Chances are you have some idea of who you want to be as a leader, and you probably have taken seminars, online courses, internal training, etc. to guide you down this road. Can you describe your goals for each quarter of the upcoming year? Do you have a long-term, prioritized checklist of the steps taken to make that a reality?
The importance of systematic, structured planning as a part of any leadership development or coaching process cannot be overstated. Talking, insights, and suggestions matter, but without planning and accountability, truly transformative change is unlikely.
That's why my program includes both a Herculean Strength Building plan, to identify key developable skills, prioritize them, and execute, as well as an overall "leadership roadmap" that ties in your leadership vision, mission, and other developmental steps to create a long-term organized, prioritized, and actionable means from getting from where you are to where you need to be.
The Greek myth of Hercules demonstrates the power of having such a plan. Hercules was the illegitimate son of the chief god, Zeus, and a mortal woman. Zeus' wife was livid and cursed Hercules with severe mental illness. He murdered his entire family. Overcome with horror at what his life had become, Hercules undertook 12 labors to turn things around.

Each of the labors seemed impossible, and each was harder than the next. Despite doubts, fear, and endless obstacles set up by Zeus' wife, Hercules persevered, hell-bent on becoming someone new, someone greater. Some labors simply required strength, which Hercules had been born with. But others required qualities that were utterly new to Hercules, and that no one had taught him. They included things like:
⚡Professional courage (stretching beyond the comfort zones of his existing strengths)
⚡Innovative use of limited resources
⚡Partnering with others (this includes the development of trust and delegation as distinct skill sets)
⚡Oral persuasion and inspiration -- specifically, development of charisma
While this list is not comprehensive, if your leadership development planning excludes any of them -- and continuing to up your game, even once you think you’ve “learned” them -- your labors will ultimately overcome you … not the reverse.
After Hercules succeeded at one labor, the next one intensified. The gradually escalating labors did something profound to Hercules:
They made him a Hero.
My own leadership journey is never-ending, and I suspect that my Herculean labors are nowhere near complete. But I also know that each one makes me stronger, smarter, and more ready to fully become the leadership Olympian that I am within.
And, by the way, Mt. Olympus is where Hercules’ labors ultimately took him. If you're stuck, frustrated, or stagnant within your career or business, remember the Labors of Hercules. The story has power because, in the deepest possible way, it is true.
Be like Hercules and slay all the monsters—especially those inside--that keep you from having the fundamental skills needed to step from being an ordinary mortal into a leadership Olympian. Tap into your innate greatness and be a magnificent leader like the Greek gods. Because …
I want your future to be EPIC!

I'm Scott Mason, The Myth Slayer. I am an attorney and former C-Suite executive, coach, speaker, podcaster, and Master of the Mythic. I graduated from Columbia Law School and have spent years drawing on the full depth of a background spanning the private, public, and nonprofit sectors to provide lawyers feeling stuck or stagnant in their careers or as leaders with a unique (and fun!) system to help them live a life that's epic.
Click here to discover more about me, my mission, and how it can help you.
If you've ever said, "I'm capable of more -- and I want it?" ... then download my five-minute self-assessment, and I'll show you how to elevate your leadership, increase your impact, and find your powerhouse personal voice NOW!